Highlights : About Stratsys Meetings

Minutes Management

Internal Meetings

Post-Meeting Tools

Legislative Meetings

Attendee Management

Action Item Tracking
Product Details
Meeting preparation tools
Minutes management
Agenda management
Post-meeting tools
Materials management
Attendee management
Invitation management
Action management
Attendance management
Automatic reminders
Collaborative review
Meeting management
Planning tools
Project notes
Recurring tasks
Third party integration
Prepare everyone in the team for meetings
Prepare everyone in the team for meetings by sending the agenda together with relevant documents. For recurring meetings attendees are able to reuse previous agendas. Get everyone engaged by enabling collaboration on the agenda before each meeting.
Make notes during meetings directly within the agenda page and delegate actions as they appear during the meeting for team members to carry out before the given deadline.
Reviewing the last meeting minutes
Start each meeting by reviewing the last meeting minutes, decisions and unfinished actions, which are all stored within the meeting file.
Real-time Notification
Get notified in real time as any action item that was assigned during the meeting is followed up by a team member so that everyone is on the same page for the next meeting.
Mobile Apps
Utilize the Stratsys Meetings mobile apps for Android and iOS to access meeting information on-the-go, view upcoming meetings in the calendar, or even take notes within the meetings from a mobile device.