Highlights : About Reviewsnap
Automated Performance and Self-Reviews
Statistics Dashboard
Goal Management
Unlimited Surveys
Automatic Notifications
Complete Administrative Control
Unlimited Pay Grades
Compensation Recommendation
Approval Process
Automated Development Goals
Rich Course Content
Online Access to Learning Management System (LMS)
On-Demand Reporting and Transcripts
Product Details
All-in-One Solution
Reviewsnap provides an integrated suite of talent management solutions including performance reviews, 360 degree feedback, journal entries, and reporting.
Flexible & Customized Review Process
The system is flexible, allowing users to customize the review process as he/she sees fit. For instance, managers can change the criteria used to evaluate employees themselves, or choose from a wide range performance-review templates that is provided to every user at not additional cost.
Annual or Anniversary Reviews
The system supports annual or anniversary reviews and creates an automatic alert to remind every user as it based on your customized setup.
Automate and Streamline your Process & Workflow
With a simple and easy-to-use system, our customers are able to streamline the process and allows their staff to give more meaningful reviews.
Web-Based Performance Management Solution
Reviewsnap is accessible via any device with an Internet connection. It is suited for businesses of all shapes and sizes, across multiple industries, and provides excellent customer service to clients located anywhere around the world.