

By ProcessGene

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Highlights : About ProcessGene

Record and categorize loss events

Cover a wide range of IT regulations

Track and diagnose progress of the GRC management program

Schedule and monitor tasks of involved parties

Automate audits and controls

Email based notifications and alerts

About ProcessGene

ProcessGene is a cloud-based governance, risk and compliance (GRC) platform that helps multi-subsidiary organizations automate workflows and reduce costs and man hours in implementing GRC programs. Features include risk audits, dashboards for risk diagnosis and analysis and a workflow engine. Its compliance programs cover the USA, Asia and EMEA regulations and management of subsidiaries’ data.


  Business Size
Small, Mid-Market, Enterprise
  Language Support

Product Details


Email based notifications and alerts

Record, manage and remediate incidents

Complex workflow support

Easy access to objective evidence for compliance enforcement

Measure and mitigate IT risks

A user-friendly Wizard for task completion

Central control of subsidiaries' GRC data

A powerful searching and reporting module

Support for multiple regulations, e.g. SOX, Bill 198, AML

Relate risks to relevant business processes and systems

Signatures and declarations water-fall mechanism

Direct connectivity to ERP systems

Audit management

Critical heat-maps that monitor risk and assess capability

Manage opportunities vs. risks


Very fast implementation, the system is up and running within days

The most seasoned and comprehensive SaaS (Software as a Service) solution in the GRC domain (see Gartner's report)

Full automation of the GRC process using the ProcessGeneâ„¢ BPM workflow engine, making it the most powerful system in the industry - yet intuitive and user friendly

Full transparency and visibility - enables management, risk managers, and compliance officers to better understand and control the overall risk and compliance status of the enterprise

Multi-Org technology enables central control and management of subsidiaries' GRC data. Multi-Org creates a common GRC management language, uniform risk and control assessment methods and consistent reporting standards across subsidiaries worldwide

Central cockpit with dashboards for data analysis and diagnostics - showing quantitative risk management fulfillment status. Processes that involve high risk are easily monitored and diagnosed both in real time and historically

ProcessGene compliance synergy: integrated corporate governance, enterprise risk management, and regulatory compliance processes leads to better compliance and governance at significantly lower costs

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