Highlights : About POMeSYS-Host



Sales Management

Supply Chain Management


Quotes / Estimates


SKU / UPC Codes

Item Management

Reorder Management

Import / Export Management

Picking & Routing

Customer Management

Lot Tracking

Overpayment Processing

Customer Management

Labor Cost Calculator

Nutrition & Ingredient Labels

Production Management

Recipe / Formula Costing

Recipe / Formula Management
Product Details
POMeSYS-Host is entirely cloud-based, removing the need for servers and allowing users to access information anywhere, anytime.
Customer Orders
Staff can enter all customer orders received by phone or fax using the sales order module, as well as import orders via EDI, POMeSYS-Remote, MyRouteManager and other TwinPeaks platforms.
Create ‘after-the-fact’ invoices and credit memos and accept customer payments in the form of cash, checks, credit cards and money transfers.
Purchase Order Module
The purchase order module recommends what ingredients and packaging materials to order, from whom and in what quantities thanks to integration with the inventory control and costing module.
Inventory Control
Get reports on physical inventory sheets, inventory on hand, inventory movements and recommended reorders with POMeSYS-Host's tools for inventory control.