Planning Maestro Software

Planning Maestro Software

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Highlights : About Planning Maestro Software

Driver-Based Modeling

Expense Budgeting

Cash Flow Planning

Financial Forecasting

About Planning Maestro Software

Centage’s Planning Maestro is a cloud-native planning & analytics platform that delivers year-round financial insight, transforming how companies budget, forecast and report performance. Centage delivers a level of sophisticated financial intelligence typically only enjoyed by large enterprises, at a price point accessible for SMBs. Leveraging this financial intelligence, Planning Maestro synchronizes the P&L, the balance sheet, and the cash flow to ensure GAAP compliance. This offers the users not just a short-term view of the company’s health, but a long term view of the financial health of a company. In addition, Planning Maestro comes with 40 pre-built GAAP/IFRS-compliant reports that can be adjusted and customized for a variety of data reporting. These reports can be exported to Excel or any resident G/L system for further customization.


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Product Details


Driver-Based Modeling

Expense Budgeting

Cash Flow Planning

Financial Forecasting


Planning Maestro offers

Planning Maestro offers full functionality straight out-of-the-box, with no IT involvement. As a hosted application, it’s also maintenance free.

Balance sheet and cash flow reporting

Planning Maestro includes out-of-the-box income statement, balance sheet and cash flow reporting. The software comes with 40 pre-built, customizable GAAP/IFRS-compliant reports.

Planning & reporting processes

Wizards, drop down options and menus guide users through the budgeting, planning & reporting processes.

Confidently make good decisions

Planning Maestro’s multiple, unlimited what-if scenarios enable business managers to confidently make good decisions.

Users can create synchronised profit & loss

Users can create synchronised profit & loss, balance sheet & cash flow reports. Each will update automatically based upon actuals and profit/loss assumptions.

Expenses can be allocated by type

Financial & operational modeling, expense & revenue budgeting, and workforce planning can all be separately allocated.

Consolidate profit & loss data

Users can collect and consolidate profit & loss data confidently with Budget Maestro’s built-in financial logic & driver based planning.

Planning Maestro centralizes and consolidates data

Planning Maestro centralizes and consolidates data for better forecasting; users can align actuals with budget data.

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