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Highlights : About Meisterplan

Project Portfolio Planning and Analysis

Resource Management

Finance Management

Business Goal Alignment

Reporting and Analytics

About Meisterplan

Meisterplan is a project and portfolio management solutiondesigned for companies of all sizes. It offers resource management, budget management, task management, expense tracking and Gantt chart functionalities within a suite. The solution is available in both on-premise and cloud-based deployment options. It is suited to users in multiple industries like engineering, energy, IT, finance and media. Meisterplan’s resource management functionality allows users to schedule and track all their resources. Users can view project capacity and the skills of their team members in real time. Users can also determine suitable ways to execute their projects with the help of Meisterplan’s project simulation feature. A key feature of Meisterplan is portfolio management, which enables users to perform financial analyses on all their projects to identify the most valuable projects and methods of efficiency improvement. This module allows users to select the right projects for them. Meisterplan offers services on a monthly subscription basis that includes support via mail and phone.


  Business Size
Premise, Cloud
  Language Support

Product Details


Business goals

Resource management

Resource utilization

Project portfolio planning

Capacity simulation

Capex budegt

Benefit/revenue budget

Cost and benefits

Program management

Excel integration

CA PPM integration

MS Project integration

KPI and Tableau integration

"What if" scenarios

Activity management

Communication management

Data visualization

Financial management

Expense tracking

Gantt charts

Portfolio management

Project planning

Real time analytics

Resource management

User rights management

Template management

Third party integration

Activity dashboard

Budget tracking

Project budgeting

Goal setting / tracking

Graphical data presentation


Meisterplan offers an integrated and complete platform that helps companies do more than just manage portfolios and projects. It offers the following benefits to users: You can identify constraints in resources while fully maximizing capacity utilization. Determine bottlenecks in resources and instantly resolve issues with just a few clicks. Spot and invest in profitable investments without compromising budget. Ensure that your goals are aligned with your project portfolio. Visualize and comprehend data within minutes.

Clear Interface

Meisterplan is designed to be a simple app. The dashboard gives a clear view of the entire project portfolio and an overview of all of your resources, including skills and roles.

Unique combination of project portfolio management and resource management

You can add and assign resources to projects across your entire project portfolio, and you can also analyze resource utilization and identify and eliminate bottleneck resources before they even occur.

Real-time scenario planning

While in Scenario mode, you can foresee the outcome of specific changes and ensure that you are making smarter business decisions. Without affecting your permanent plan, you can determine whether your plan is realistic, if capacity allows for more projects, whether any departments are overloaded, and the optimal place and time for each project. Once you are satisfied with your scenario, easily apply it as your plan of record.

Create Achievable Plans

Your resources become the focus of your realistic portfolio. Easily resolve resource bottlenecks across your entire organization. Quickly respond to changing project realities. Simulate alternatives in real-time.

Identify True Priorities

Be clear on what will get done and what will not. Build a complete project portfolio management process with this app. Put together your project portfolio so that the most important projects are completed no matter what. Involve the right people to create a realistic, integrated plan.

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