ADAudit Plus by ManageEngine is an on-premise auditing solution. Users can monitor and generate resource reports for elements such as domain controllers in real time. It provides information about active directory objects including users, groups, computer and configuration changes. Login and logoff tracking helps users compile audits into workstation use including duration, login history and login failures. ADAudit Plus keeps track of file creation, modification and deletion within connected systems, including details such as modifications to file access permissions. It also offers email alerts and notifications in case of document modifications, document access or access permission changes.
Highlights : About ManageEngine ADAudit Plus Software
Active Directory audit reports
Active Directory and file permission change audit
Audit Trail
Real Time Monitoring
Archiving & Retention
Compliance Management
About ManageEngine ADAudit Plus Software
ADAudit Plus by ManageEngine is an on-premise auditing solution. Users can monitor and generate resource reports for elements such as domain controllers in real time. It provides information about active directory objects including users, groups, computer and configuration changes. Login and logoff tracking helps users compile audits into workstation use including duration, login history and login failures. ADAudit Plus keeps track of file creation, modification and deletion within connected systems, including details such as modifications to file access permissions. It also offers email alerts and notifications in case of document modifications, document access or access permission changes.
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