

By Loader

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Highlights : About Loader

Freemium version

Manage all data feeds

Real-time reports

Live analytics

Mobile friendly reports

Unlimited web applications

About Loader

Loader, by SendGrid, is a fully manageable data monitoring and assessment application created by a team of programming professionals to eradicate the headache associated with constantly checking and logging into an array of platforms to assess server and API performances. Loader is a fully centralized hub that gathers all your server feeds into the one place and creates bespoke reports based on performance. Loader also identifies potential threats within your website, applications, server performances and you can opt to receive notifications of when these threats are close to occuring. Loader comes with a freemium version, knowledge based, video tutorials, online support and the ability to scale up and down your plan as well as custom reporting.


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Product Details


Freemium version

Manage all data feeds

Create & share graphs

Real-time reports

Live analytics

Custom reporting

Month on month plans

User dashboard

Mobile friendly reports

Export data results

Online support

Video tutorials

Knowledgebase available

Unlimited web applications

Advanced analytics


Freemium/Opensource version

The Loader free version enables you to include 1 host name, 1 min tests, 2 URL´s per test, online support and the ability to upgrade any time you wish. You can also test across 10,000 clients making it ideal to trial/demo before purchase.

Reports and analytics

Loader automatically displays your log management results in charts, graphs and general reports. All data results can be exported to a spreadsheet for further in-depth assessment and all feeds are displayed in real-time with the ability to customize reports.

Online support and guidance

Loader have video tutorials and a FAQ section on the website to ensure you are kept fully aware of software upgrades and general support. The Loader technical support team are also on hand to provide any query support and there is also an online knowledgebase available.

Dashboard and centralization

The online Loader user dashboard allows you to view the entire platform without the need to download any software and it is fully optimizable for mobile devices - creating a completely centralized management experience on the go.

Advanced anaytics

Advanced analytics are more in-depth, more detailed test results. This includes response times, and response codes for each URL in a test (free users only see aggregated stats for all URLs), response time and bandwidth histograms (much more informative than the averages you get for free), and more to come.

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