Highlights : About Lifeline E-Clinic Software
Versatile functionalities
Highly secured
E-Claim with standard formatted data
Collecting and retrieving patient information
Patient identification
User customizable report template designer
Product Details
User customizable report template designer
User customizable report template designer to generate user desirable report formats.
User management
User management allows assigning rights to individuals, ensures security.
Integration of Patient identification, Data consistency, and Transparency.
Collecting and retrieving patient information
It automates the process of collecting and retrieving patient information.
Share the patient’s clinical information
Hospitals, clinic practitioners (Doctors) can share the patient’s clinical information providing better service to their patients.
E-Claim with standard formatted data
E-Claim with standard formatted data that can be automatically generated through system.
Highly secured
Highly secured, user friendly, reliable and seamlessly integrated web Based information system. Defined with the standards of WHO for CPT and E/M codes.
Versatile functionalities
Versatile functionalities to carry out day to day operations, billing, reporting, multiple branches of hospitals, referring doctors, referring Hospitals, inventory etc., with centralized and total controlled user environment.