Highlights : About InTouchLink
Product Details
Activity calendar management
Bulk user uploads
Custom TV & web content
Custom community channel
Customer satisfaction tools
Email & Skype access
Event/activity planning
Grades & certificates access
In-suite tv channel
Marketing/lead management
Meal/nutrition management
Multi-level staff access
Resident account management
Videos, images, presentations, & documents
Weather, news, & advertising options
InTouchLink comes with an simple updating process, and is open to suggestions so that users can make adjustments accordingly.
Provides interactive features like radio, games, and more to keep residents engaged.
Residents can email their family and friends, play movies, and send greetings as well.
InTouchLink has extra large buttons and simple commands for users with less online experience and visibility.
Family members can log in at any time to stay updated on the latest occurrences of the community.