Harmony Decision Maker
Harmony Decision Maker

Harmony Decision Maker

By Harmony

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Highlights : About Harmony Decision Maker

Conflict Resolution Options

Design Good Experiments

Reservation Validations

About Harmony Decision Maker

Harmony Decision Maker is a decision-making app that is built to capitalize on the latest insights from the fields of Behavioral Economics, Decision Science and the Theory of Constraints. The app enables users to make better and faster decisions by guiding users through a simple step-by-step process that will allow them to develop and implement sound strategies to achieve personal, team or business goals. The software comes with native mobile apps that help users make decisions, share and track progress at critical times, even when they are away from the office. Using Harmony Decision Maker empowers individuals and teams to learn and apply the latest advances in creative problem solving and decision-making skills. Each decision that is made using the Harmony Decision Maker app represents a change within a person’s life or within an organization necessary to achieve a personal or business goal. The Harmony Suite of Apps also includes the Harmony Change Designer and Harmony Change Maker. They allow individuals and management teams to design a blueprint with the hierarchy of changes necessary and sufficient to achieve an ambitious goal, to communicate and validate the core assumptions behind these changes to stakeholders, to create a robust implementation plan and to monitor the execution of the plan. When used in combination, the Harmony Suite of Apps can provide individuals and management teams with the focus and fast feedback they need to succeed with better, informed decisions.


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Product Details


Problem Definition

Conflict Resolution Options

Design Good Experiments

Conflict Definition

Reservation Validations


Stop Making Bad Decisions

Making the right decisions that move you closer to your personal or business goals is critical. The Harmony Decision Maker App guides users through the 5-Step ProConCloud Method – a method specifically designed to prevent five of the most common decision mistakes made when faced a challenging issue or conflict. Resolving these challenges is helpful in achieving your goal. Harmony Decision Maker can help you focus your attention on creatively resolving only the most important problems or decisions, evaluated based on the importance to you, your business, and/or other key stakeholders.

See Clearly Into The Problems

When you are able to weigh issues and concerns, you are able to see deeper and discover underlying conflicts of ideas, beliefs, and answers among other members of the organizations. This helps you and your team find a working solution or collaborate towards a more acceptable approach where everyone is on the same page. Such an approach to dealing with conflicts results in the formulation and realization of win-win solutions. No more short-term, band-aid approaches that don’t provide lasting resolutions to issues.

Approach An Issue From All Angles

Not all solutions offered or readily available are the best ones. A number of remedies may cough up a few reservations. While many decision-making models see these reservations as excuses, Harmony Decision Maker helps you make sense of these reservations, gain insights from them so you can add to your solutions and allowing a more robust approach.

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