Highlights : About FinancialForce PSA
Product Details
Professional Services Automation
Time & Expense Tracking
Resource Scheduling
Project Workspaces
Client Billing and Invoicing
Resource Management
People and Project Matching
Dashboards and Alerts
Data Import/Export
Security Developer API
Some of the best service companies in the industry are leveraging the FinancialForce PSA solution to help them achieve dramatic results quickly and gain competitive advantage definitively.
Sales and services teams work in the same system, using the same information in a collaborative working environment when using FinancialForce Professional Services Automation (PSA). Processes flow naturally from sales to services, yet both teams have complete visibility to the whole project life cycle.
FinancialForce.com understands that one size does not fit all when it comes to billing and that most billing problems are caused well before the invoice is printed. FinancialForce PSA prevents downstream problems by instilling controls at the beginning of the process. It all starts with a flexible approval processes for timecards, expenses and milestones that ensure the right people are involved early in the billing process.