

By Covenant Technology Group

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Highlights : About CredentialMyDoc

Tax identification management

Provider self service portal

License verification

About CredentialMyDoc

CredentialMyDoc is a web-based solution that is designed for credentialing and provider enrollment. Features of this software include a provider portal, payer management, form generation, expiration management, workflow tools, reporting and more. The software aims to increase efficiency and reduce labor through interdepartmental collaboration, comprehensive custom reporting and enhanced auto-populated forms. Using the CredentialMyDoc platform, users can easily track and update important expiration dates for their providers, locations and tax IDs. CredentialMyDoc facilitates communication with providers via a secure self-service provider portal and users can exchange forms and information in a secure manner. Users can also centrally store, protect and share documents and information for locations, providers and tax IDs. The platform provides businesses with a library of thousands of provider applications and forms of every kind, which can be customized to user needs. CredentialMyDoc provides extra security against unauthorized access and data loss. CredentialMyDoc serves medical organizations with licensed providers who want to enroll with payers for reimbursement and use privileges with healthcare facilities. The solution can be used by hospitals, medical consultants, ambulatory surgery centers, physician practices, and medical billing companies.


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Product Details


Application tracking

Auto-fill forms

Automatic reminders

Credentials management

Credentials tracking

Expiration date tracking

Expiration management

License verification

Payer management

Provider self service portal

Provider self service portal

Tax identification management

Workflow management


Increases efficiency and reduces labor through comprehensive custom reporting, enhanced auto-populated forms and interdepartmental collaboration.

Can easily track and update important expiration dates for providers, locations and tax IDs.

Allows users to access files from any secure web-connected device at any time and any location.

CredentialMyDoc provides added security in order to prevent data loss or unauthorized access from any potentially risky sources.

Easily generate custom reports with just a few clicks. There is no need to compile reports in excel or any other spreadsheet app.

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