Highlights : About CashFlowMapper
Product Details
Cash flow statement
Budgeting & forecasting
Financial management
Data import/export
Collaborative workspace
Project planning
Project tracking
Periodic reporting
Reporting & statistics
Transaction monitoring
Application integration
Third party integration
Accounting integration
Accounting management
Graphical data presentation
Compare alternatives and view simultaneously
CashFlowMapper tracks transactions in real time, allowing users to view accurate and up-to-date transaction summaries.
CashFlowMapper incorporates comprehensive forecasting technology, enabling users to forecast any type of transaction across days, weeks, month or years.
Users can share plans and folders through CashFlowMapper, providing users with the tools to plan and collaborate easily with their financial advisors.
Users can create and compare scenarios simultaneously, ensuring thorough forecasting and evaluation of any proposed financial strategy.
CashFlowMapper includes numerical and graphical reports, giving users a straightforward way to view business data and gain valuable insight.